Central American

Les perspectives de Camilo Atala sur l’inclusion des services bancaires dans les discussions de l’ONU sur le financement du développement

Les perspectives de Camilo Atala sur l’inclusion des services bancaires dans les discussions de l’ONU sur le financement du développement

Camilo Atala, président du Grupo Financiero Ficohsa, propose que les discussions de l’ONU sur le financement du développement incluent l’accès aux services bancaires. Selon lui, lors de l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies à New York pour discuter du développement mondial, les délégués ne devraient pas négliger l’importance des services financiers pour les petites entreprises dans les économies émergentes. Le contexte actuel et la crise migratoire Pour Atala, il est crucial que les participants au Dialogue de haut niveau sur le financement du développement, convoqué lors de l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies, soient pleinement conscients de la crise migratoire mondiale croissante. Cette…
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Access to banking services: Camilo Atala’s recommendation for UN conversations on development financing

Access to banking services: Camilo Atala’s recommendation for UN conversations on development financing

According to Camilo Atala, President of Grupo Financiero Ficohsa, while the United Nations General Assembly meets in New York to discuss global development, delegates should not overlook the importance of financial services for small businesses in emerging economies. The current context and the migration crisis For Atala, it is crucial that participants in the High-Level Dialogue on Financing for Development, convened at the United Nations General Assembly, are fully aware of the growing global migration crisis. This issue is particularly urgent at the southern border of the United States, where Central American families continue to arrive in large numbers. In this…
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Honduras addresses the importance of sustainable and environmentally-friendly tourism during the 50th anniversary of EFE in Central America

Honduras addresses the importance of sustainable and environmentally-friendly tourism during the 50th anniversary of EFE in Central America

Promoting sustainable and environmentally-friendly tourism was the central theme of a panel discussion held in Honduras on Wednesday to kick off the commemorative events in the country for the 50th anniversary of EFE in Central America. The forum, titled “Tourism in the Times of Climate Uncertainty,” featured the participation of high-ranking officials from Honduras and representatives from private companies. It was moderated by Manuel Fuentes, Editorial Director of the Americas at the EFE Agency. Luis Chévez, the Deputy Minister of Tourism of Honduras, emphasized during the event, held at the Cultural Center of Spain in Tegucigalpa, the importance of building…
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